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The Most Common Dog Illnesses: Symptom Checker

The Most Common Dog Illnesses: Symptom Checker

If your dog is experiencing symptoms of any kind of illness it will always be recommended to have them diagnosed and treated. If conditions and diseases are left untreated they can cause severe complications. Our vets in South Plainfield share some of the most common dog illnesses and a symptom checker to get an idea of when to contact your veterinarian.

Common Dog Illnesses: Symptom Checker

Dog parents need to be vigilant and prepare to visit their vet for a physical exam and diagnosis if needed. Here are 3 common dog illnesses and their symptoms.

Cancer in Dogs

While we are happy to see our beloved canine companions living longer thanks to research, advancements in veterinary medical care, and various vaccines, therapies and treatments, we also see more incidents of certain diseases.

Causes & Symptoms of Cancer

Different types of cancer - from skin, bone, and breast cancers to malignant lymphoma and soft tissue sarcomas - can plague dogs as they enter their elder years. Cancer is more common in some breeds than in others because of genetic factors. There is also the possibility of environmental factors causing certain types of cancers.

Though early detection can sometimes be difficult if little to no symptoms appear, classic symptoms of cancer include:

  • Lumps or bumps
  • Abnormal bleeding
  • Enlarged lymph nodes
  • Wounds that don’t heal
  • Lameness or swelling in bones or other parts of body

Depending on the type of cancer, a tumor could be removed surgically, and there may be options to treat or cure the disease or prolong your dog’s life. Early detection and treatment are critical to survival.

Ear Infections in Dogs

If your dog is suddenly scratching their ear or shaking their head more often, whining, or exhibiting other relatively new forms of concerning behavior, a vet can examine them to find out whether they may have an ear infection.

Potential causes include moisture in the ears (a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast), allergies, autoimmune disorders, wax buildup, and more.

Causes & Symptoms of Ear Infections

In addition to the signs mentioned above, symptoms include:

  • Swelling or redness in the ear canal
  • Dark discharge
  • Pain
  • Odor
  • Itchiness
  • “Crustiness” or scabs

As with any condition or illness, quick treatment is necessary as ear infections can lead to further complications such as deafness.

Parvovirus in Dogs

Dogs can contract this highly contagious viral disease from an infected dog’s feces or virus particles, which can survive in the environment for months. Parvovirus is a serious disease that can affect any dog although it most commonly affects those that have not been vaccinated. 

Causes & Symptoms of Parvovirus

Symptoms include:

  • Reduced appetite
  • Dehydration
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea (usually bloody)
  • Fever
  • Weakness

Luckily, Parvovirus can be easily prevented through routine vaccinations as well as regular booster shots. It’s imperative that parvovirus is treated quickly as it can lead to bone marrow damage, bacterial pneumonia, chronic heart disease and even sudden death.

Steps You Should Take if Your Dog Is Experiencing Illness

If you see any of these symptoms appear in your dog, it’s critical to get them to a vet as soon as possible. At Plainfield Animal Hospital, we have diagnostic services and emergency services to help diagnose and treat your pet’s most challenging health conditions.

If you are noticing any of the signs listed above or any other symptoms in your dog then you should contact the team At Plainfield Animal Hospital. Our South Plainfield vets are here to help diagnose and treat any potential condition that your pup may be experiencing.

Welcoming New Patients

At Plainfield Animal Hospital, we are always welcoming new patients! Our vets are passionate about providing state-of-the-art care to South Plainfield's companion animals. Contact us today to book your first appointment.

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